The 8 Hilarious Yorkie House Rules

5. Dinner Bell Alarm

Photo: Karen Kaess Parenti/The Yorkie Club

Yorkies are the canine equivalent of a dinner bell.

They have an uncanny ability to tell time, and they know exactly when it’s dinner o’clock.

Be prepared for a chorus of adorable but persistent barking to remind you that it’s time to fill their food bowl.

6. Stealthy Bed Invaders

Photo: Diane Harrison/The Yorkie Club

Ever wake up to find your Yorkie has stealthily taken over your bed?

They might be small, but they’re experts at bed infiltration.

You’ll find yourself hanging on to the edge while your furry friend sprawls out in the middle, all 4 pounds of them.

7. Doorbell = World Ending Event

To a Yorkie, the sound of the doorbell is equivalent to a zombie apocalypse.

Their reaction? Bark like their lives depend on it.

Photo: Traci Marzka/The Yorkie Club

Your visitors might wonder if they’ve stumbled upon a secret canine command center.

8. Sock Nappers Anonymous

Photo: Katie Mcmahon/The Yorkie Club

Yorkies have a secret society dedicated to sock napping.

They’ll sneakily snatch your socks, stash them in their secret hideouts, and later present them as treasures.

Who knew a sock could be so enticing?

In conclusion, life with a Yorkie is an adventure filled with laughter, love, and a few quirky house rules.

Embrace the chaos, cherish the cuddles, and enjoy every moment with your lovable, rule-bending Yorkie companion.

Who needs a rulebook anyway when you have a Yorkie to keep you entertained?

Remember, these house rules are all in good fun, and a little Yorkie mischief is what makes life with them so charming.

So, go ahead, share these rules with fellow Yorkie owners and keep the laughter rolling!

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