YorkieVideos and any other titles associated with this network strive for original, ethically sourced video and article content which provides value for the user.

What does this mean?

It means, here at YorkieVideos: We only publish content that benefits the human that is viewing it.

We are committed to sustainability of our website and therefore we do not accept or use any duplicated, copied, copyrighted or unlicensed content.

Original videos are found within our network of Yorkie owners, our audience submits videos of their Yorkies to us and we publish them on our various platforms for all to enjoy instantly.

All videos published by our entities, are property of YorkieVideos.com and any other associated platforms under our control.

Video content is at all times, unless unavailable or unnecessary, credited back to the original videographer.

Any content that is published without permission from videographer is strictly stated as such and not monetized on video sharing platforms.

Content Removal

If your video or photographic content is submitted and published on any of our platforms especially this Website property, and you would like us to remove it – please email us here: contact@yorkievideos.com + [email protected]