This 5 lb Yorkie Gave Birth – How is this possible?

This video showcases the love of humans for their beloved Yorkie during her difficult time giving birth.

Especially being such a small Yorkie, great care must be considered when an event like this occurs.

It is important to note, however – that it is best to allow the pregnant mother to naturally take care of itself and be left alone during the birthing phase.

HOWEVER in this case being such a tiny Yorkie and the potential for complications – it is understandable if you would naturally want to assist your precious Yorkie.

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In general though, here are a few points of useful information for how to identify whether your female Yorkie is pregnant or not:

Sluggishness: If your female Yorkie is behaving with less energy than usual, appears lazy or not her usual self – this is a first indicator of a potential pregnancy.

Firm Stomach: Humans want firm stomachs for fitness and tone. Yorkies on the other hand have firm stomachs when things are not normal – check her stomach to see if it is harder or more firm than usual.

Large Nipples: This happens quite quickly after initial pregnancy and will be quite obvious. Also nipples that may have been unnoticed by you may appear or ‘pop’ out as the weeks go by.

Compulsive Grooming: Your Yorkie may begin cleaning herself a lot more than usual and this will be easy to spot especially if your Yorkie doesn’t groom herself much to begin with.

Nesting: Your Yorkie might be hoarding items in a safe, soft and specific area in order to prepare for her eventual birthing phase.

It is pretty weird that a tiny 5 lb Yorkie gives birth. Honestly I feel very bad for her – however I know she has a loving family that will look after her.

I just hope people are more aware of the stress and toll that giving birth takes on a dog.

The smaller the dog, the more stress and danger there is.

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