90+ Yorkies Found Living in Filth in Single House, Owners Charged

In California, USA – a grisly discovery was made at a home. Over 90 Yorkshire Terriers were found having been abused, neglected and left to live in filth.

Since the discovery, all of the Yorkies have been rescued and even placed into forever homes.

The two hoarders who lived at the property were charged in court and accepted 3 years of criminal probation. They are also never allowed to own any pets ever again!

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This is not the first time I have heard about hoarders who have kept many Yorkies in horrible conditions. This will not be the last time either.

In my opinion the sentence that the judge handed down to the two horrible people was way too lenient.

Imagine all the trauma and horror and illness that the 92 Yorkies had to endure during their time there?

It is incomprehensible that someone, a human being – can treat animals like this. Much less they treat Yorkshire Terriers like that.

Some humans do not deserve freedom nor the ability to take care of animals.

Photo by Shanna Beasley on Unsplash

Unfortunately, it is a little bit late. The damage is already done.

Sure, the Yorkies have all ben rescued and have all found homes but many of them are left with illness, tooth loss, leg injuries and more.

Life is not fair and if it was, then the two people that are responsible for this mess should be kept in prison for their life’s remainder.

I may sound a little harsh here but we are the voice of the Yorkies.

Yorkies cannot speak human languages. We need to speak for them!

Let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree.

Thanks for reading and please SHARE this to spread awareness of this barbarity!

  1. Gretta Uppercue
  2. peggy zerr

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