Everything You Need to Know About Yorkie Eye Problems

All living and seeing beings fear the possibility of losing their vision, dogs are no exception.

And while all dogs have vision loss with old age, there are a few specific conditions that Yorkshire Terriers can develop that you as a responsible owner need to be aware of.

A Yorkie with vision problems makes life difficult and potentially hazardous for the little dog.

The next time you take your Yorkie to the vet, make sure you mention that you are concerned about the eyesight. Insist that your vet does an eye check up on your Yorkie each time you visit them. This way you can minimize the probability and potential of eye problems from occurring.

Prevention is after-all, the best medicine.

The following are the primary eye conditions that Yorkies can develop in their lifetime:

  • Entropion
  • Cataracts
  • PRA degeneration
  • Chronically dry eyes


The Yorkie’s eyelid may cause the eye to internally roll.

The main cause for concern is when the eye lash tears the eyeball surface area and this can lead to sever vision loss and damage to the eye itself.

Ask your Vet about this condition so they can make sure your Yorkie does not have the early signs.


Like all dogs, Yorkies are no exception when it comes to cataract formation.

You can identify this with a white appearance on the surface of the eye ball.

The Yorkie’s eye lens has reduced transparency. The end result is total blindness of the eyes that are affected.

Humans can also get cataracts, not just animals.

Three different types of cataracts are identified:

  • Senile – This occurs in older dogs and in general cannot be prevented with traditional methods.
  • Juvenile – This type of classification is present when cataracts occur in Yorkies under the age of 5 years old.
  • And lastly, Congenital – This occurs when Yorkies are prone to this disease through genetics. They can be born with a predisposition to it.

When it comes to congenital defects in dogs, especially Yorkies – it is the reason why it is so important to get a good trustworthy breeder from the beginning.

Generally, there a wide array of potential sources for cataracts. Typically, the causes of cataracts fall into two categories: congenital, like I mentioned above. And developed as the dog grows in age.

Juvenile cataracts and Senile cataracts can be both passed on through genetics and also developed with age.

When you or a vet notices cataracts forming – it will usually lead to blindness if surgery is not performed.

Trauma and inflammation are the primary cause for non-congenital cataracts.

You veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause with an eye examination.

PRA Degeneration

This disease typically occurs in Yorkies over the age of five years old, however there are cases of younger aged Yorkies developing the disease.

It is caused by a gene that canines have that is recessive. The results are slight vision loss which will get worse as time goes by eventually leading to near total vision loss. Your veterinarian will be able to test for this using light to check if the Yorkie’s pupils respond accordingly.

Chronic Dry Eyes

Like humans who suffer from this, tears do not produce normally and this leads to irritated and itchy eyes.

If enough time is passed with this disease going untreated, serious vision loss can occur.

It goes without saying that eye problems are a serious situation – in both humans and Yorkies. Negative impacts on life quality, ability to function and even potential for danger are ever present. The more serious the vision loss, the more exacerbated the above consequences will be to deal with.

Please note it is best to consult a qualified veterinarian before trying to diagnose or treat any conditions you think your Yorkshire Terrier may have.

Information in this article and on this website does not substitute a relationship with a veterinarian. Your Yorkie will thank you and you will be more informed and confident about decision making going forward.

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