Are Yorkies the World’s Cutest Dogs?

Raul Castro / Rocky Cuellar in TheYorkieClub

Everybody on earth can agree on one fact.

That fact is that Yorkshire Terriers are the cutest dogs ever.

There is no arguing with facts so let’s leave it at that!

Yorkies are making the world laugh, smile and amazed every single day.

It is the very reason Yorkies are becoming the world’s most popular dog!

Photo: Pexels

Families are realising how awesome having a little happy Yorkie in their home is, and how much they have been missing out.

In the video below we prove what I’ve been talking about.

That Yorkies are the world’s cutest dogs!

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Well, enough said. There we have it.

Yorkies are now officially the world’s cutest dogs!

It is scientifically impossible for someone to watch that video and disagree.

And since you cannot argue with science, that is the end of the matter.

We hope you enjoyed the video.

My favorite part was right in the middle, when the little Yorkie was politely giving the baby kisses.

The sweet playful nature of the Yorkie shows so clearly the way she is excited by everything around her!

All Yorkie owners know this as a fact, Yorkies always improve the mood of the room they’re in.

How can one not want a Yorkshire Terrier in their home after watching that?

Watch Next: Yorkie Opens Kennel Door After Getting in Trouble

If you own any Yorkies or love Yorkies as much as I do, then make sure to join our facebook group.

The Yorkie Club is the best facebook group for Yorkie owners.

Every day we have tons of people asking and answering questions about their Yorkies, as well as posting photos and videos of their Yorkies.

We would love to have you join the online Yorkie Community!

Click here to join.

Thank you for reading.

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